Head Hair Grower

Head Hair Grower - Hair loss problem causing 90-95% hair loss caused by genetic factors. Indeed, not only genetic factors (heredity), which is one factor of baldness hair or hair loss, there are other factors that can cause hair loss to baldness hair, such as excess or deficiency of vitamin A and protein, psychological problems such as depression or stress, causing chronic hair loss problems are then referred to as Telogen Effluvium.

The picture: Telogen effluvium which is the type of hair loss baldness cause hair

If the hair loss problem to be bad happening hair baldness has been known since the early soon overcome the problem of hair loss in advance, if hair loss problems are considered severe and chronic consult the best hair expert or dermatologist, to obtain penangganan quickly before more severe loss.

There is also a way to grow hair by hair grower drug delivery, such as:

1. Minoxidil

The problem of hair loss is not as easy to expect a quick walk and must require great sacrifice from power up costs. Minoxidil is a drug that can help grow hair and slow down hair loss in men who are still in their productive age. Minoxidil is now sold in the market are free and easily available in pharmacies. The drug minoxidil can be accepted by the FDA (United Drug Administration), but in Indonesia itself has not known for certain whether minoxidil is acceptable and is already registered in BPOM (Food and Drug Administration).

2. Finasteride

To have this kind of medicine this one should be using prescription or experts, in order to avoid counterfeit drug delivery. Drugs of this type is far more effective than minoxidil. Finasteride works more effectively able meperlambat hair loss by blocking the formation of DHT that cause hair loss. But the drug Finasteride is banned consumption by women who are in a period of pregnancy.

In addition to the use of certain drugs in overcoming hair loss baldness hair to impact on, those other ways that can be done as an effort to overcome kerontokkan hair or baldness, such as:

1. Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is done by trained doctors health experts hair with hair transplant surgery which took part of healthy hair and long in the back and then placed on the parts of the scalp that is experiencing kebotakaan or permanent bald spot. To perform a hair transplant would require very expensive and requires a long time anyway which is about 6 months.

2. Maximize the remaining hair

The final way to do is to use a wig or toupee. This method is mostly done by anyone whether male or female, who mostly feel using alternative is the best way and the easiest to do. But the thing to remember is to use a wig or toupee you are advised to keep a balance of nutritional value and health of hair.
Head Hair Grower | Doctors Hair | 5


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